Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb IV

Dr. Revilo P. Oliver reminded us that most Americans quickly change their minds when they hear the sound of two twenty dollar bills rubbing together. The sound of two hundred dollar bills must sound like the voice of god. -RF-

John McCain.
- No more ballot initiatives against immigration. (Mar 1999)
- More help for legal immigrants when immigrating & once here. (Jul 1998)
- Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the U.S. for farm work.(Jul 98)
- Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)
- McCain/Feinstein bill ('nuff said)

Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he's too old to fight he'll just shoot you.

It has been repeatedly said that a reason for the importation of turd-world labor is because we have many jobs which "Americans" will not do. Understand that any sort of work is deemed an insult to "human dignity" both by the parasites and the super-rich. When was the last time anyone saw King Georgie earn an honest callous? Or any politician for that matter.
Why will a man refuse to work? It's because he does not need to. Why doesn't he need to? It's because he is getting the necessities of life from a source which does not include the expenditure of his energy. These people are on the dole -- feeding from a trough supplied by the people who do work. Cut off the handouts and some people will get hungry, and hungry people have a strong tendency to grab whatever work there is available.

Marxist scams, like the one we are presently living under, can function only as long as the productive can fill the appetites of the parasites and drones. We are living in the last days of this utopia for the useless.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

February III

Suppose we have a community of 10 beggars and 1 hard working man who managed to store up enough provisions for the coming winter. When it comes time to eat, and these people lived in a "democracy", how do you think they'd vote as to the disposition of Mr. Stalwart's stored potatoes? Although communism is supposed to be about "equality", it readily admits, through the writing of Marx, that people are not equal. "From each according to HIS ABILITY ..." certainly tells us that. People with no ability ALWAYS ARE IN NEED of one thing or the other. When the drones are allowed an equal vote, as they now are in America, the working class will go under. When they disappear the useless parasites will have nothing to fasten their mandibles on except the rich. rich. If they manage to scalp them, then what will be left for anyone? The locusts are always capable of destroying but never capable of building. That's why they are locusts. Parasites need us. We do not need the parasites. Let the religious, with their strong ties to heavenly magic, feed them. Did you ever notice that the witch doctors are also parasites? -Robert Frenz


Political Corectness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulos mainstream media, wich holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd on the clean end.


Hate Literature is anything someone hates to have you read.


Recession Hoax?
Well, it must be true, its in Pravda isn't it?

Remember, a tolerant person is one who allows his throat to be cut without offering a struggle.


Congress bans incandescent bulbs
Never a good thing when congress bans stuff forcing you to buy other stuff that they say is better stuff. Don't worry about the face blast of mercury when you bust one of these you sissy. After all we're helping the enviroment, and the light bulb companies, right up until you have to send one off to the landfill. Expect some more taxes in the future to pay for cleanup costs.
